Sunday, September 24, 2006

Sleep over!

On Saturday night, Adam had his first sleep over at his friend Charlie. He was so excited about going all week. Three little monsters went to stay at Charlie...Oliver, Charlie and Adam. He packed so much stuffs to go there: his dressing gown, pyjamas, sleepers, wash bag, cuddly toys...and his new glow in the dark pants!!!(Apparently they did not glow!!) I think the four of them have been an hand full. They finally managed to go to bed at 11pm when Charlie's mum sat in the room with them until they dropped off! They had a great did we as we went out for a meal. We went to the waterfront which was so nice, we have not been out for so long...What a treat!

1 comment:

Nicola said...

ah Carter nearly had his but bottled out, he looksl ike he was staying a week. :)